"We urgently need to change the way we work and refocus on the essentials. Many of us are committed, but there's still a long way to go." I want to be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow and say that I've made a small contribution, at my humble level, to changing things."
- Seasonal produce from our two kitchen gardens and our collaboration with local producers from the "MES PRODUCTEURS-MES CUISINIERS" association.
- Reintroduction, with the CRBA, to our vegetable gardens, of seeds that have disappeared from the Rhône-Alpes region (Bresse pepper, meat beans, etc....).
- The signature dish is now only available during the lobster fishing season.
- Creation of recipes that make full use of the product, in the dish and across the 3 kitchens of the house.
- More vegetables in the dishes. The vegetable is cooked as the main ingredient, not as a garnish.
- Reprocessing organic waste into compost while limiting methane production.
- Sorting and recycling of cardboard, plastic, paper, aluminum and glass.
- Recovery of fish skins for tanning and use in leather goods.
- LED lights throughout the house and motion detector to optimize lighting.
- Water recovery from air conditioners for the garden.
- Hydrogen-powered vehicle for vegetable garden deliveries.
- New decoration for the Rooftop with locally made French furniture.
- Use of professional clothing made in France for solidarity purposes.
The very first of the cosmopolitan gardens was born at the foot of the Têtedoie restaurant.
It's an area of great diversity, open to the world, combining cultivated and wild plants.
A true place of reconnection with nature, in the heart of the city, its role is to support the emergence of tomorrow's gastronomy.
A gastronomy that connects with and highlights our indefectible link to the living.
Gastronomy that nourishes and places us at the heart of nature's creative essence.
Here, we rub shoulders with the world's diversity to see our practices, our relationship with food and our cuisine transformed, as we strive for excellence.
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